The Evolution of Love: Activating Evolutionary Relationships & Unique Gender
An 8-Week Online Video Course with Dr. Marc Gafni**
You have a vision in your mind, an ecstatic urgency welling in your heart, an insistent demand in your a body - for the “ultimate relationship”.
You know it exists - You can feel it in your gut - but you just have no clue how to get there?
You have tried everything - you have read all the books - taken all the seminars - and the same relationships dynamics, traps, limitations, failures, and most of all fears, refuse to let go of you. You cannot get free and find the relationship of your dreams?
Relationships are our spiritual practice.
We have killed all the gods except for Aphrodite but we have forgotten how to worship at her altar.
You know that behind the closed door, an extraordinary relationship awaits you but you don’t know how to find the door!
You feel like a man, you feel like a woman but that does not exhaust your identity!
Transgender is not your path but the old gender stereotypes do not work either! You sense some great new possibility for your most intimate identity but you are not quite sure how to find your way!
You want to play a larger game!
You want to live a life that matters, not just to yourself but that contributes your Unique Gift to reality. You feel like you are a superhero - like reality needs your service, but don’t want to speak it out loud. You know that finding the right relationship is utterly key.
If any of this resonates with your deeper heart, mind and body, then Welcome!
You are in the right place. We prepared this course for you!

In this leading edge course, we are going to introduce the next level of relationship. You see the problem is not just that you can’t find your way. Relationships themselves have lost their magic. Reality is Relationships. Reality is Evolution. So that means - Reality is the Evolution of Relationships.
We are at a pivotal point in the evolutionary process where reality is generating a new model of relationships. It includes the best of all the previous models but adds critical new dimensions that will change the game both for you and for everyone at the leading edge.
I don’t need to tell you that Relationship are not working for so many people. We desperately want intimacy and desire. But we don’t know how to get either of them in a sustained context of commitment. But we don’t want either of the two. We want both of them together and that has proved virtually impossible in our contemporary relationship reality.
But besides all that, here is a deep truth that no one will say out loud. You are lonely. Really lonely! And that sucks. You never imagined that your life might be a lonely one. You also thought that you would find a great partner at some point and be happy. But it is just not happening. And if you continue down this road the future does not look promising! Loneliness is the epidemic of our times.
Here is the good news:
We can help. We can give you a set of distinctions that will up-level your prism and get you out of prison. Getting the distinctions of this course will - just to say it directly - radically change your life. We promise! That is why we prepared this course. We didn't do it to make money. We didn't do it to become popular or famous. We prepared this course to help you.
This is your moment to break out of the repetitive dating pattern that you have been in forever. We want to share with you a path and a skill set which is so filled with elegance and outrageous love that your search for the beloved cannot fail.
In this course, you will learn to:- Exactly what it means and how to create an Evolutionary Relationship
- What the radically new and emergent quality of Unique Gender means and How to identify Your Unique Gender!
- What it means to be “lived as love”, to “love the moment open” and the three levels of love that are literally indispensable for creating a long lasting rockstar relationship.
- Level 1: Role Mate Relationship
- Role Mate Relationships were the norm for most of our parents and grandparents. They had to do with very specific roles that each person had that insured that the couple or family would survive and even thrive. These relationships were far from perfect but they had some great technologies. You will learn the strong suits of these relationship and why they matter!
- Level 2: Soul Mate Relationship
- Soul Mate Relationships were the successor to role mate relationships, Soul Mate Relationships added some super beautiful intimacy technologies as well as some pretty awesome communication skills. We will distill the best practices of the soul mate level for you. But we will also show you a way out of the traps that crash both the intimacy and the desire in more than ninety percent of soul mate relationships.
- Level 3: Evolutionary Relationships [which we also call] Whole Mate Relationship
- Whole Mate/ Evolutionary Relationships are the leading edge. This is the inside wisdom and skill track for Eros, Intimacy and Desire. This is where it gets wildly exciting and new. This is the level that will change your trajectory and reshape your destiny in life and love.

Here some truths that no one will admit. No one wants to say them out loud. At some point, personal fulfillment - including looking deeply into your partner's eyes for a very long time - just stops being personally fulfilling. There we said it. Take that!
Second, desire in old style soul mate relationships dies must faster than anyone is willing to tell you.
Third, even in ostensibly good relationships the partners are hiding a deep sense of boredom and loneliness. It is only in Evolutionary Whole Mate relationship that these sad hidden truths are blown up in the joy, passion, devotion and delight of this new level of intimacy, desire and outrageous love!
And That Is Not All!
What we just outlined, as I am sure you can see, is a high level transformative course offering that will change your life. But that is not all. Difficult as it is to believe, that is not all you will receive in this course.
There is an entire part two that will take you a key second step. This second step is super crucial if you want to make this new and highest level of relationship a reality in your life. The second section of the course is called by a new term that we coined a few years ago which is catching on like wildfire with everyone who has been exposed to it.
The term is UNIQUE GENDER!
Who Are You? You are Man, You are Woman, You are Unique Gender!
From Gender Stereotypes => Genderqueer => Unique Gender:
In this section of the course, you will

- Step deep into the world of Venus - Mars, Boy - Girl, Man - Woman and Masculine - Feminine. Learn what the leading edges of biology, social sciences and spirituality are saying about Gender today.
- Enter the world of the Genderqueer Movement: Why are they so hot in the world right now? Get why the questions the Gender Queer movement are spot on brilliant, while their answers are just not quite there!
- Find your deeper “Unique Self” Identity beneath your man and woman identity (without giving up your core sense of being man or woman).
- Learn the beyond Masculine and Feminine breakthrough teaching of Lines and Circles. In this explosive teaching you will see that there are core qualities of line and core qualities of circle that live in all of reality and in every human being.
- Learn the formula to map your own Unique Gender! In identifying your Unique Gender you will - probably for the first time - fully inhabit your body, your heart and your identity.
- From that new place of grounded unique gender identity, you will realize entirely new levels of passion, potency and power. From this new level of consciousness you will be able to naturally attract a partner who is your true love and partner.
Lines & Circles in Light & Shadow
Every human being - male and female is a unique combination of line and circle qualities.
- There are ten powerful line qualities.
- There are ten powerful circle qualities.
- Every single line quality has a light and shadow expression.
- Every single circle quality has a light and shadow expression.

To try and successfully engage intimate relationships with anyone else or even with yourself, without knowing this map is just not going to get you the result you deeply desire and totally deserve.
Why enter into the most important and compelling terrain of your life without the most accurate and clear map?
Only a clear map of the line and circle qualities, how they appear and what they look like in their light and shadow expressions can help you avoid the mine fields and show you the way through to relationship success.
- Let our hearts being blown open by the stunning heroism and beauty of the masculine.
- Let our hearts being blown open by the stunning heroism and beauty of the feminine.
- Stop demonizing the masculine desire and splitting off feminine desire as if it does not exist.
- Erotically merge line and circle energy inside of ourselves in order to be able to naturally attract our true love partner.
- The sacred technology of “taking responsibility for your own arousal.”
- The sacred technology of “being aroused through love.”
- To identify Your Unique Risk which will make you wildly alluring to yourself, to spirit and to everyone else.
- How to deploy the key distinction between Eros and Pseudo Eros!
The Last Step:
You cannot access a Level Three Evolutionary Relationship unless you learn how to live Your Unique Gender.
Whole Mates include the best dimensions of Role Mate and Soul Mate qualities.
When you access the full depth of your Unique Gender - of your line and circle qualities - you access a level of Wholeness that is exponentially beyond the sum of its parts. You finally come home to a sense of feeling at home in your life.
It is from the place of this new Wholeness that you can learn the skill that we call “loving the moment open.”Knowing how to “love any moment open” is a skill that will quite literally change your life. Instead of life happening to you - in both a practical, mystical and mythical way - you will begin happening to life.
We come home in our own lives.The Evolution of Love, Relationships, & Gender in 8 Steps
- Session 1: The Principles of Transformation, The Evolution of Love, & The 3 Levels of Relationships
- Session 2: Unique Self & Unique Self Symphony, Love Languages, The Six Big Bangs, & The Emergence of Evolutionary Relationships
- Session 3: From Man/Woman through Genderqueer to Unique Gender – Lines & Circles All the Way Up & All the Way Down
- Session 4: Light & Shadow, Hierarchy & Status, & the Beauty of the Line
- Session 5: The Universe: A Love Story – Entering the World of Lines
- Session 6: Take Responsibility for Your Own Arousal & Embrace Your Unique Risk
- Session 7: The World of the Circle: Enlightenment Is Intimacy with All Things
- Session 8: Potent Precision, & Spacious Expansion: The Higher Integration of Lines & Circles – Liberation from Loneliness through Evolutionary Relationships
Price: $297 (or 3 installment of $117)
Enroll NowAlso Receive These Exclusive Bonuses:
Bonus #1: Wake Up . Grow Up - Show Up: Uplevel Your Consciousness
In this course, Dr. Marc Gafni takes you through a psychoactive process to up-level your own consciousness. By participating in this short course you will be directly participating in the evolution of consciousness which is the evolution of love.
Your level of consciousness is the set of implicit organizing principles that create your worldview. These ascending levels or structures of consciousness have been mapped by extensive cross-cultural research done by leading ego-development scientists over the past fifty years.
Marc walks you through a deep dive through eight levels of consciousness. You will be able to locate yourself at each level and then leap together with Marc to the next level.
All the waking up work you have done in your life can wind up being almost a waste of time or worse if you do not also do the work of growing up. Wake up and Grow up are two pieces of transformational work that must both be done for either to be truly effective. This is your chance to get your growing work handled in a real way. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss.
Dr. Marc - as everyone who has studied with him will attest - is wildly and brilliantly inspiring. Besides that he is warm, funny, poignant and human. You will love this little course.
Experience the juicy cutting-edge dharma on what it means to up-level your consciousness. Dance and shine and yield to your awakening Unique Self, so you can share the unique greatness that is you, with each other and with the world!
Value: $49
Bonus #2: The Evolution of Love

This is Gafni unplugged - unedited and rocking it out in deep dive Enlightenment teaching. He is teaching a topic which he virtually created based on a phrase that he coined many years back - “the evolution of love”.
This is a deeply human, alive, fantastically informative, insightful, and inspiring dive into pretty much everything you need to know to up-level the game you are playing in your life right now.
This is a complete audio recording of a full four day live Wisdom School from Fall 2012 on the Evolution of Love. There are nine hour long recordings that will blow your heart and mind open. If you are ready to come with Dr. Marc on the path of what he calls “loving your way to enlightenment” this is the place to start.
Value: $47
Bonus #3: Shir Delight! (English) - A Musical Journey Through the Song of Songs
Spoken Word by Marc Gafni - Music by Shefa Gold - 18 Tracks (Digital Download)

The Song of Songs, written by the great lover King Solomon, has always been Marc’s favorite biblical text. It is the sacred well of Marc’s teaching. All of the great dharma that Marc has shared over the last decade has in some sense been sourced in the lineage of this great Song of Solomon.
Shefa Gold, a songwriter, chantress and teacher wrote a number of beautiful chants to the words of the Song of Songs.
Shefa came to Israel at Marc’s invitation and spent a week with Marc’s Israeli students.
Marc recorded a CD with a running erotic commentary on the texts and chants.
If you want to fall in love with all of reality, with life, Yourself, your beloved, or be inspired to a new level of outrageous love, then this magical mystical wonder of a CD is for you.
Value: $14
* The painting used for the course graphics of The Evolution of Love Course is "L'orgine" by Matteo Arfanotti.
**An Online Course produced by Eric Creemers (Camera, Editing) and Kerstin Zohar Tuschik (Executive Producer). The course was recorded live at the Summer Festival of Love 2015 in Venwoude (Holland).